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Digital Sourcing: Every Channel Leads to Talent

Digital Sourcing Infographic

Thanks to the proliferation of digital tools and forums for interaction, today’s employers have more options than ever for connecting with the talent they need. But ease of connection brings more competition. Candidates can identify a myriad of career opportunities instantly through mobile or conventional online venues, and those with in-demand skills can afford to be extremely selective about which opportunities they pursue. 

Considering the competitive world of digital sourcing, it is no surprise that talent leaders and recruiters often struggle to identify and engage talent. In all facets of digital sourcing, however, high performers appear to hold a significant advantage as we found in our latest global Talent Advisory Survey, the results of which are available in a new white paper, “Staying in Front: An Inside Look at the Changing Dynamics of Talent Acquisition.”

Digital Marketing: High-Performer Effectiveness Spans All Channels

In the survey, respondents were asked to rate sourcing effectiveness across a range of digital venues, including employee websites, mobile applications, search engine marketing and digital ads, social media, email marketing, job boards, and employer rating sites. Results indicate that on average, high-performing talent organizations are 67 percent more likely than their peers to rate a channel as very effective.

Notably, there were no negative exceptions or outliers. The implication: all sourcing channels are potentially effective, and high performers are proving to be more proficient across all digital sourcing channels than other organizations.

When prioritizing top channels, differences in effectiveness are significant. Social media is considered a strong venue, with a very effective rating by 59 percent of high performers and 35 percent of others.

Additional high-confidence sources rated by high performers include referral programs (71 percent), recruitment/staffing firms (59 percent), and job boards and affiliates (53 percent).

Do Employers and Candidates Value the Same Sourcing Channels?

Given that the purpose of the sourcing process is to connect companies with talent, candidates and employers express surprising differences in preference for sourcing channels. For example, 71 percent of high-performing talent organizations rate referral programs as very effective while only 18 percent of candidates claim to use them heavily. Likewise, 59 percent of high performers rate social media as somewhat or very effective compared to only 22 percent usage from candidates.

Against those differences, candidates and employers do agree on the use of recruitment firms. Results indicate that 59 percent of high performers rate recruiting firms very effective, with 45 percent of candidates citing high utilization.

Consider the Source

All sourcing channels provide a potential path to the critical talent a company needs. Prioritizing how a recruiting organization uses these channels can be challenging. An effective talent organization must also consider the nuance of usage and ask the right questions.

For example, recruiting firms are rated highly effective, but not all are created equal. What does it take to build a trusted relationship with a recruiting firm? A company website is highly rated as a sourcing channel, but is that site benefitting from other sourcing channels that push candidates to the application page? Are companies utilizing freelancing management systems to bring flexible workers into the fold in the most strategic way, or are they creating a siloed source that limits consistency in the talent acquisition process? Every talent organization has different needs, but asking the right questions can help identify pitfalls and opportunities throughout the sourcing process.

Sourcing Quick Facts

  • It’s time to track sourcing ROI: Only 17 percent of employers track return on investment (ROI) metrics by candidate sourcing channel.
  • High performers are proactive: Among high-performing organizations, 73 percent value notification of available talent, even without an open requisition.
  • Recruiters are calling more often: In 2017, candidates receive 37 percent more calls per month compared to 2016.

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