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Top 7 Blogs from 2017

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Congratulations! You can finally count 2017 as another year in the books. As we look back at the year that was, we thought we’d take the opportunity to review some of our most popular blogposts from the past year for both employers and job seekers.

Top Articles for Employers

3 Ways to Build Better Job Descriptions

Many companies fail to write clear, compelling or even accurate job descriptions, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Enhancing the Candidate and Client Experience With Technology

As new technologies continue to emerge, your recruitment process will be impacted.

New Allegis Group Study Reveals Impact of AI on Jobs, Talent, and HR

AI is making a strategic approach to human capital more important than ever, and there are plenty of predicted benefits to come.

AI’s Impact on HR: Transforming the Dynamics of Business and Talent Management

Artificial intelligence is poised to be the next step in the evolution of talent strategy and technology, including changing HR and talent management processes. Will you be ready to reap the benefits?

Top Articles for Job Seekers

Luck is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Luck may play a small role in career success, but greater contributors are hard work, loyalty, and having a strong moral compass.

6 Mistakes Job Seekers Make That Scare Away Potential Employers

On Halloween, our recruiters dished out some of their best resume and interviewing treats, so job seekers don’t scare away future employers.

Wondering if You’re Qualified for That Job Opening? You Probably Are!

It may look like a job is out of your reach, but if you have the experience to recognize what’s needed to accomplish the primary goals of the job, you are likely a viable candidate.

Bonus Articles

In addition to some of the top blogs from 2017, we wanted to highlight some of our blogs that continue to remain relevant from years’ past. Here are just a couple.

Bait & Switch: When the Job Isn’t What They Promised

You accepted the job offer with excitement and couldn’t wait to begin the position. But then shortly after the first day you were being asked to do a variety of tasks that had nothing to do with your role.

One Week After the Interview and You Haven’t Heard Back – What Next?

You want to maintain professionalism at all times and never look desperate or needy. Pestering the recruiter or hiring manager is not going to leave a lasting positive impression.

We’ve only covered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to job seeker and employer advice that we’ve covered in the past year. For more advice on job seeking, interviewing, recruiting, and several other workforce-related topics from 2017 and years prior, visit our blog.

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